I dont have time to write detailed explanation but I will try and get that done today or tomorrow.
I used sql management studio.
I connect to sql server using to connect to source.
Then I connected to destination by connecting to mdf file inside visual studio project.
Then I tried to look into import and export by right clicking on tables but my efforts went in vain. Now I tried something different.
I tried and used
then I was able to this below
insert into [dbo].[Taxonomy]
select * from [server].[Omni].[dbo].[Taxonomy]
after then I removed the server
sp_dropserver 'myservername'
I will try and post the images so that it will be easy for others to read.
I used sql management studio.
I connect to sql server using to connect to source.
Then I connected to destination by connecting to mdf file inside visual studio project.
Then I tried to look into import and export by right clicking on tables but my efforts went in vain. Now I tried something different.
I tried and used
sp_addlinkedserver 'myservername'
then I was able to this below
insert into [dbo].[Taxonomy]
select * from [server].[Omni].[dbo].[Taxonomy]
after then I removed the server
sp_dropserver 'myservername'
I will try and post the images so that it will be easy for others to read.