To enable css 3.0 you need to find the key "{A764E895-518D-11d2-9A89-00C04F79EFC3}"
Note: You may many matching keys but look for the one which shows schemas
Add a new key Schema 5 and add 2 string values File and Friendly name and set the values to
css30.xml and CSS 3.0.
Now take the css30.xml and copy to the folder below.
C:\Program files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Packages\1033\schemas\CSSDownload the xml here (For some reason it is not allowing me to add the css30.xml).
Close your visual studio and open it. when you open a css file it should pull the drop down with friendly name.
Now you don't see an error under border-radius.
ReplyDeleteWhere can i find "css3.xml"?
I don't no